When You’re Number Two
Chief Operating Officers and other c-suite subordinates, take note: Tuesday’s vice presidential debate highlights the crucial balance between serving the team and using your own views to create differentiation.
Vice President Dick Cheney exemplifies the ultimate number two role. While he remains a steadfast supporter of the president’s policies, he also speaks candidly and persuasively, maintaining his independence. On the other hand, vice presidential hopeful John Edwards faces the challenge of demonstrating gravitas while advancing the candidacy of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.
What to Watch for in the Debate:
1️⃣ Who takes the first swing—focusing on issues versus personalities?
2️⃣ Who makes the better emotional connection with voters?
3️⃣ Who shows that while they may be their “own man,” the race is not about them as individuals?
Tuesday’s debate will serve as a masterclass in effective leadership branding: knowing when it’s about you, and when it’s about your organization—or something larger.