Point Of View Leadership

Top 10 Ways NOT to Create Value

Top 10 Ways NOT to Create Value

Want to make sure you don’t add value? Follow these missteps:

1️⃣ Try to Be Everything to Everyone

Sounds obvious, right? Yet every day, you’ll find at least three or four businesses guilty of this mistake.

2️⃣ Let the Market Decide Your Pricing

Markets may set the parameters, but only you determine the final price. Giving up control means giving up value.

3️⃣ Work for Free

Giving away services devalues what you offer. Enough said.

4️⃣ Compete Solely on Price

Doing what the competition does—but cheaper—only leads to a race to the bottom.

5️⃣ Stick to the Status Quo

Lawyers and accountants often feel obligated to follow traditional practices because the “profession” demands it. Maybe that works for them, but for most businesses, resisting change is a fast track to irrelevance.

6️⃣ Depend Too Much on a Sponsor or Parent Organization

If your identity is tied to a sponsor, expect to face constant questions about your value.

7️⃣ Blend In

If no one can tell the difference between you and the competition, you’re in trouble. Just look at the Final Four accounting firms—or any other service sector.

8️⃣ Only Use ‘Proven’ Methods

“If it works, keep doing it until it doesn’t,” right? Maybe. But relying only on old techniques leaves no room for growth.

9️⃣ Stay in Your Comfort Zone

If you’re not doing at least one thing daily that makes you uncomfortable, don’t expect any breakthroughs.

🔟 Chase Quantity Over Quality

“If we just get five more clients, everything will take care of itself.” Well… maybe. But sacrificing quality for numbers rarely leads to long-term success.

Final Thought:
Avoid these mistakes, and you’ll be on the right track. Happy business and brand building!